Monday, September 3, 2007

My Birthday!

So yesterday was my birthday. I am now 31. For some reason thirty one seemed like a much bigger deal to me than 30. It has something to do with being closer to forty than 20 I think. I mean, it seems like just a few minutes ago that I was twenty. Just hanging out and getting drunk all the time with no responsibilities at all ( well, except for grades...). And if twenty was just a few minutes ago, does that mean that I am going to blink a little too long one of these days and WHAM!! I'm 40? That is a bit scary to me.
I asked my Mamaw at her 85th birthday party Saturday if time flew by for her like that. I hate to break it to you guys, but the answer was yes. My Mamaw apparently blinked one too many times and now she is 85.
Oh well, I guess that is life. The older you get the faster it goes. I was a little frightened to hear that that doesn't get any better as the years go by. But, at the same time I guess it is better to have the years go by quickly than to not have the years at all.
So happy birthday to me and many more. Even 40, 50, and 85...


Anonymous said...

You definately have to look at aging in a good way....if you didnt turn wouldnt see your babies turn 2 and my thing is.....just hope that you are as healthy and happy as our mamaw is at 85......the only thing that I hope is that I never get to where I cant take care of myself...and that is the only fear that I have about aging! I love you! Happy Birthday my favorite sister!

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday! Lee Lee is right about being happy and healthy no matter what the age. Anyway, 31 isn't so bad, its 35 that I'm worried about because that when people start rounding up to 40!

OhTheJoys said...

You want close to forty? How's eleven days?

The big FOUR-0!

Anonymous said...

I noticed you seemed a lot older the other day....Just kidding. I hear the time flies by from thirty to sixty

ANd then sixty to eighty five is even worse than that.

i Hate my keyboard right now so nothing else for you, but I love you and I hope you had a happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

I remember 31 being harder than 30, too. Now that I am 35, it's not so bad. I think back to my 30th birthday and, while I can remember everything about it, it doesn't seem like it was yesterday. So much has happened in between that it really does seem like it was ages ago.

Bilbo said...

31 sounds pretty good when you're almost 56. Happy birthday...just think of it as aging like a fine wine! Bilbo.