
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Interview Part 5
I am not big on indulgences. I think of my Weight Watchers as spoiling myself. It is basically the only thing that I do that is spending money on myself. I also just bought a Wii Fit for Randy and I for Christmas, but that is along the same vein. I have worked out an hour a day for the last three days. I really want to finish my weight loss journey. If that calls for a few indulgences so be it.
I indulge Randy and the kids occasionally by doing something special with or for them just to make them happy. It is never anything big, but I love to see them happy.
22. What traits do you believe you get from your mother? Your father? (these can be physical and personality-based)I have my Daddy's nose and my Mom's great love of family. I have my Mom's face shape and my Dad's practical yet stubborn personality. I have my Dad's feet (seriously, they look just like his only bigger) and my Mom's passion.
23. Where do you see yourself when you're 70 years old?With Randy. Hopefully we will have a few grand kids. We will probably travel some and spend vacations with friends and family. Most of the time I imagine that we will be at home. Enjoying each other.
24. What is your greatest achievement in life so far?
I am very proud of my personal relationships. I love all of my people so much. I think that they are the best investment that I have ever made...all of them.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Interview Part 4
Wow. Okay. Well, as Super Z would tell you (because I told him), "God is in your heart." He is also in that cell multiplying over there and in that dying limb that just fell out of our tree. He is in our Christmas tree ornaments and in my Mamaw's new wig. He is in Henna Reese's smile and my Daddy's tears. He is in my little friend Sam's bright shining eyes and in his brother Thomas's big wide smile. He is in my sister's laugh, my Mama's voice, and just floats around everyone that I know (and don't know) pretty much all the time. My God is everywhere and no where specific at all.
17. One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists has this line: "In order to survive, you gotta learn to live with regrets." Do you have any?
Not very many, to be honest. Only one that I can think of. And time has made it less of a regret and more of a memory. Time heals all things. Maybe that is just what happens when you learn to live with them?
18. In the same song there's also this lyric: "You used to hold me/told me I was the best/that anything in this world I'd want/I could possess." Who, if anyone, made/makes you feel as if you could achieve anything?My children. They actually believe that I can do anything. I am a woman of almost Super abilities in their eyes. If I want it to happen it will happen. I think if anybody believes in you that strongly, it will make you more powerful. I don't think I could ever be more powerful than I am right now. I control the world...for two people at least.
19. Which album AND song could you listen to on repeat for hours on end?Album: Any album by Pink Floyd, Genesis, Johnny Cash, or Tanya Tucker.
Song: In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. I love that song.
20. If you could turn back time, which moment, memory, etc. in your life do you wish you could experience again? You can name up to three if you'd like.
a. Being a child and living with both of my parents for one day.
b. My wedding. SO sweet. I was SO happy.
c. Any time when my children were little babies. Sigh.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Interview Part 3
My answer is so boring. reading is my escape. When I read nothing else exists, no sound can pierce my solace. Just ask Randy. He LOVES that about me. haha
12. What one trait would you bestow upon the world if you could and why?
Tolerance. So many bad things happen in the world everyday. I imagine that a bit of tolerance might be a step in the right direction
13. If you are not already doing it, what would be your epitome of the perfect career?
Reading and writing. Preferably something interesting :)
I like my job though. I like the days that I get to use my brain the most. I love solving problems. I am a huge problem solving geek.
14. Invisibility, teleporting (a la' the movie "Jumper"), telekenesis, pyrokenesis, or psychic/foretelling abilities -- which one of these powers would you prefer?
Teleporting! God, I hate driving. I hate traveling in the car. Sigh. If my family could teleport we could see family whenever we wanted. You couldn't ask for a better power than that.
15. Do you think a movie could be made of your life? Which actor would you like to play you? You can also do the same for, oh let's say, 5 other key people in your life.
A VERY boring movie could be made of my life. :) I would have Donna from that 70s show play me. She would need a fat suit at the beginning of the movie, but hopefully not by the end. Dave Mathews (although not an actor) would play Randy. Goldie Hawn could play my Mom and Bruce Springstein my Dad. lol How cool would that be?
Interview Part 2
I would have to say New Orleans in the 1920s. I think that would be very cool. It might also be a little stinky. I don't think that hygiene was all that it is now in the 20s.
7. What are your top three pet peeves?People who assume the worst about others, whining, bad drivers, rudeness, dogs who don't come when you call them, passive aggressiveness, when people say I am "skinny" (!!!WTH) because I am in the middle of a massive weight loss, when Randy calls watching the kids a favor
8. What is your Sunday morning wardrobe? Routine?I usually sleep in on Sundays. If I am at home I will have my pajamas on until about 2 or 3. On Saturdays I try to get dressed and do something. On Sundays I try to do as little as possible. Sundays usually include books, kids, naps, and a good dinner.
9. Your obituary is being written but is limited to describing you in three ways. What three things would you most like to be remembered for?
I would like to be remembered as a great mother, friend, and wife. Wow. 3 is not enough!!10. I often think it's interesting to imagine how a person grew up, what they were like when they were younger, what they experienced, etc. Who -- living or dead, younger or older -- would you have liked to grow up with/been friends with/been able to observe, etc.? If you're particularly impressed with this question, you can list two people.
I think I would choose my Mom. I know that is a pretty lame answer, but I would love to have grown up with her. She is a lot of fun. I thing being a kid with her would have been a hoot.
My second choice would be Elizabeth I. What an awesome time to be in. And she is such an intriguing woman. I think that would be awesome.
Interview 2008 Part 1
1. If you could only take ONE thing with you on a deserted island, what would it be?
My family would be my gut response to this...but then what if there was no food?? I would have killed my entire family just so I wouldn't be lonely. But surely there would be food...right? If my family doesn't actually count as ONE thing then I guess I would say a Swiss Army Knife.
2. What is your favorite color and how do you think it characterizes you?
My favorite color is deep blue. The color of blue glass. I guess that this color suits me because it is deep without being too dark. Does that make any sense at all? good.
3. What four traits (e.g. courage) would you most like to instill in your kids?
This is a great question. I have so many dreams of who these little hellions will become. They are my favorite work in progress. I guess that if I had to pick four traits they would be self reliance, a positive outlook, great self esteem, and great ambition.
4. What movie do you think had the best scene/ending? How about the saddest and/or worst scene or ending?
I think that Return of the Jedi had the best ending. Everyone was so happy. The fireworks were going off. The Ewoks were dancing ( you can't beat dancing Ewoks). The ghost jedi were all glowing and smiley. The whole universe was celebrating. That is just the best.
The worst ending was on this awful movie that Randy and I suffered through a couple of weeks ago. It was called Funny Games. He likes horror movies an I tried to pick one out for him. Needless to say, I failed miserably.
5. How do you define "sexy"?
Hmm. Interesting. Sexy is something that is attractive in an edgy sort of way. A good looking man is not necessarily sexy. But a good looking man with a dangerous look in his eyes...that is sexy.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
10 Stickers in a row!

But anyway...YAY SUPER Z!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
The 300 Part 1
Things I like:
- Sitting beside fires
- egg rolls
- Acorn Squash cooked by Leigh
- Bowling.
- Princess H's kisses
- Real grape popsicles
- Johnny Cash
- PF Chang's
- Dinner with grownups
- Wine with friends
- Quilts
- Blue glass
- Fresh watermelon
- Fresh tomatoes
- Fishing in the dark
- Sand between my toes
- Candy corn
- The sound of Zane's voice
- Chocolate chip cookie dough
- Vodka and cranberry juice
- Paint It Black
- Guitar Hero
- Wii Tennis
- Going to the movies
- Talking to my people
- Sleeping late
- Apple Heads
- Sitting on thick grass
- Days by the lake
- Nights by the lake
- My Mom kissing me on the forehead
- Star filled skies
- Stephen King
- Harry Potter
- Bad boys
- Loud music
- The B-52s
- Fall weather
- Swimming
- Shopping for my kids
- Tulips
- Shoes
- My husband
- Leather seats
- Friendly dogs
- My yard
- My house
- My carport
- My driveway
- My mailbox (lol I could go on and on)
- Angelina Jolie
- ER
- People who think for themselves
- Watching my kids learn
- My family
- My friends
- People who are real
- Cooking omelets
- Tattoos
- Physics
- Statistics (30% of all people love statistics)
- Scrabble
- Thin socks
- Foods with 0 points
- Turkey dipped in ranch dressing
- My Mamaw's hands
- Going home
- Solving problems
- Long hot baths
- Blowing bubbles with the kids
- Hard wood floors
- The smell of burning leaves
- Sandpaper
- Coffee when I am cold
- Diet Pepsi
- BC Powder
- Honey Smacks
- 94% Fat Free Butter popcorn
- Laughing so hard it hurts
- My niece
- Being a Mama
- Winning
- Dates with my husband
- Fairs
- Cotton candy
- Dark hair
- Old oak trees filled with moss
- Bee Gees
- The Goonies
- French braided hair
- The smell of the library
- Camping
- Roasting marshmallows
- My pillow
- Accomplishing a lot in a little bit of time
- Cheese and crackers
- Driving fast on curvy roads
- Being Santa Clause
- Christmas
- Honesty
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Monday
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I do not like green eggs and ham
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Road to Reading
"Look Mom! The is the sight word me!"
"Look Mom! I see the!"
"The sight word it is in the middle of that word, Mom. C-I-T-Y. Do you see it?"
He is also starting to sound out a few things. He seems to do his best when I am not pressuring him. "Come on , baby. You can do it. What sound does S make?," gets me nowhere some nights.
While just riding down the road I will hear from the backseat, "zooooooooooonneeee. Zoooonnee. Mom, does Z-O-N-E spell zone?"
I am so proud and so excited. It is amazing to me how quickly things seem to be clicking together in his brain. His wondermous magical brain.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Finally, A Party
We had her party at the park and apart from being a tad bit chilly, it was a great party. I mean I didn't actually get to sit down or visit anyone, but everyone seemed to be having a pleasant time :)
The best thing was that as Princess H opened her presents, she either kissed or put on every one of them. I love having children who appreciate gifts. It makes me think I am doing at least one thing right.
The Cake, the Fish and the Bag-lady
Monday, November 3, 2008
I love this girl and her little bee
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Now this is what I call a cool kid
"There is anger in me right now. If you look at me I am probably going to end up in time out."
Upon hearing about his appointment for a check-up and flu shot, "Mom, I don't want to get a flea shot. I don't even have fleas!"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I, Democrat
In Mississippi it is assumed by many that if you are an African American you are a Democrat and if you are white you are a Republican. I am not sure why that is, but that is pretty much the gist of it.
In this election season it has become more apparent than ever that most people assume that I am a Republican (This is despite the Bright blue dot in a really red state sticker on the back of my Accord...go figure.) and that being a Democrat is almost as wicked as being an abortion Doctor. People will say the craziest things to me. More specifically they will say ugly uninformed things about Barrack Obama. I am not a great lover of all things Obama. I started out as a Hillary supporter. But I do think that he is a smart man and that he will be a good President. I don't want to hear about him being a closet Muslim. I don't really care what his religion is. I know, I am crazy like that.
Let me get this straight, I don't mind talking about the issues with anyone. 96% of the people I love disagree with me on most issues. Please please, just don't be ugly. It is okay that my beliefs are different than yours; be polite and be informed. If you are going to spout something as the truth, make sure that it is the truth.
Anyway, I am just amazed by the stigma that is suddenly attached to being a white Democrat in Mississippi. It is confusing. Because believe me, I am just as southern as that guy over there eating grits in his John Deere hat. I say ya'll. I love sweet tea.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Princess H is 3!!
My baby has changed a lot in the past year. She is as fearless and beautiful as ever, but now she is also sneaky and smart. I am not sure if this is an upgrade that I am ready for. The Princess is not nearly as reasonable as her older counterpart :) She seems to think that if she wants it bad enough (screams, cries, hissy fits loud and long enough) that she will get it.
I love the optimism, not so much the noise :) Do you think that year three will issue in a period of calm or are there more storms in the future? Either way, the Princes is awesome. I have loved every minute of my three years as her Mommy, damaged eardrums and all.
PS - There will be no party pics until November as we are delaying the party. All in good time :)