Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Christmas 2006


Pamela said...

two too adorable!!!!

JUST A MOM said...

they look so much alike that is nice hhahahha kidding inside joke at my house.... very cute

Junebug said...

Too cute for words!! So we call it Wordless Wednesday!!

the Book of Keira said...

Just sweetie pies! Look at those adorable faces!

Shesawriter said...

Double the cuteness! :-)

My Wordless Wednesday

Natalie said...

What a precious photo!

My Wordless Wednesday is up too! :)

Lil Knitter said...

They look so sweet sitting there. Love that head full of curls. :)
Happy WW!

Shelia said...

Put these two beauties next to word precious...what adorable children! Happy WW. Love the little sugar's red nose. Happy WW!

NathanRyder said...

Your kids are great! What fantastic smiles :)

Anonymous said...

I know you are just baiting me, so I can say something about biting cute kids. It's not gonna work, Missy..

But for the record, they are absolutely edible! Like chocolate bunnies on Easter Sunay!!

DAMMIT! Did it again. It won't make me stop blogging and visiting your blog.

(I hope you can hear the laughter in my voice. I'm not really insane)

Ingrid said...

That is a sweet picture, lol !

AndreAnna said...

Those are two of the most gorgeous kids!

Amanda said...

I always love looking at photos of your kids. They're so CUTE!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

The perfect Christmas card shot!

Anonymous said...

Her hoodie is priceless! And, the king, has such a sweet Rock Hudsonesque chin. Oooh la la!

Unknown said...

They look great! Are you getting a similar loving photo this year?

Cynthia said...

Cute photo!

Gretchen said...

Another adorable photo of two adorable kids! Let's hope they're JUST as SWEET this year for you!! :)

Bren said...

Oh, how sweet! I love the princess' hoodie!

ellen b. said...

so darn cute! happy ww..

Rebecca said...

They are beautiful children - Happy WW :P

Rebecca said...

They are beautiful children - Happy WW :P

Jill of All Trades said...

Absolutely precious. Great Christmas card pic!