Randy worked 24 hours this weekend. The kids and I went to my sister's Saturday to avoid missing him. Travelling without him is a challenge. Every Super Z bathroom break requires dragging both kids out of the car. I am not sure if I ever appreciated how much having 2 adults in the car helps.
We had a pretty good time hanging out with our peeps. The kids got plenty of sunshine, exercise, and laughter. Three essentials for the weekend.
We got back last night before Randy got home. Princess H was insistent that she must see her Daddy. Thankfully, he got home before too late...today that is not the case. It is 9:21 and still no sign of Daddy. What can I say? Today sucks. They miss him a lot. They miss him more than I ever imagined. It breaks my heart a bit.
Things have been rocky all day. The Princess is feverish and snotty and Super Z is getting that way fast. She refuses to eat anything or take medicine without a fight. They both had a fit when I told them it was time for bed. Apparently going to bed without Daddy is akin to stripping the skin off of ones body. I am tired. I really am.
I made doctors appointments for them both for 8:15 in the morning. I have to get them well. That will smooth out daily like a bit. I will get up and take them to the doctor. I'll then get them over to the babysitter and head to the office for a litle fun and relaxation.
I hope that they will be a little cheerier once they feel better. If only I could get Daddy home before bed time... I guess things will settle down eventually. This makes a total of 37 hours that he has worked in three days. I know he is exhausted.
His supper is in the microwave. The clothes are laid out for tomorrow, the kids are clean and asleep, there is a load of laundry ready to go in the dryer, and I am going to work for another hour or so. I just wanted to whine a bit. Doing it all takes a lot of effort.
£7 hours in a short time is heavy going.
Just think of the positive: your busy season is winding down now that 4/15 is upon us!
Hang in there. You won't need to be a single parent much longer, he'll be home soon.
I really admire all those single moms who do it alone every day. Don't you?
you all need a nap
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