Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Interview Part 5
I am not big on indulgences. I think of my Weight Watchers as spoiling myself. It is basically the only thing that I do that is spending money on myself. I also just bought a Wii Fit for Randy and I for Christmas, but that is along the same vein. I have worked out an hour a day for the last three days. I really want to finish my weight loss journey. If that calls for a few indulgences so be it.
I indulge Randy and the kids occasionally by doing something special with or for them just to make them happy. It is never anything big, but I love to see them happy.
22. What traits do you believe you get from your mother? Your father? (these can be physical and personality-based)I have my Daddy's nose and my Mom's great love of family. I have my Mom's face shape and my Dad's practical yet stubborn personality. I have my Dad's feet (seriously, they look just like his only bigger) and my Mom's passion.
23. Where do you see yourself when you're 70 years old?With Randy. Hopefully we will have a few grand kids. We will probably travel some and spend vacations with friends and family. Most of the time I imagine that we will be at home. Enjoying each other.
24. What is your greatest achievement in life so far?
I am very proud of my personal relationships. I love all of my people so much. I think that they are the best investment that I have ever made...all of them.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Interview Part 4
Wow. Okay. Well, as Super Z would tell you (because I told him), "God is in your heart." He is also in that cell multiplying over there and in that dying limb that just fell out of our tree. He is in our Christmas tree ornaments and in my Mamaw's new wig. He is in Henna Reese's smile and my Daddy's tears. He is in my little friend Sam's bright shining eyes and in his brother Thomas's big wide smile. He is in my sister's laugh, my Mama's voice, and just floats around everyone that I know (and don't know) pretty much all the time. My God is everywhere and no where specific at all.
17. One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists has this line: "In order to survive, you gotta learn to live with regrets." Do you have any?
Not very many, to be honest. Only one that I can think of. And time has made it less of a regret and more of a memory. Time heals all things. Maybe that is just what happens when you learn to live with them?
18. In the same song there's also this lyric: "You used to hold me/told me I was the best/that anything in this world I'd want/I could possess." Who, if anyone, made/makes you feel as if you could achieve anything?My children. They actually believe that I can do anything. I am a woman of almost Super abilities in their eyes. If I want it to happen it will happen. I think if anybody believes in you that strongly, it will make you more powerful. I don't think I could ever be more powerful than I am right now. I control the world...for two people at least.
19. Which album AND song could you listen to on repeat for hours on end?Album: Any album by Pink Floyd, Genesis, Johnny Cash, or Tanya Tucker.
Song: In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. I love that song.
20. If you could turn back time, which moment, memory, etc. in your life do you wish you could experience again? You can name up to three if you'd like.
a. Being a child and living with both of my parents for one day.
b. My wedding. SO sweet. I was SO happy.
c. Any time when my children were little babies. Sigh.