I have been a Democrat since before I could vote. I attribute this to my Dad and his pro-union - anti Reagan politics. Growing up in Mississippi, I knew that my Dad was one of the only Democrats in either side of my family. What I didn't know was that he was a minority all over the state.
In Mississippi it is assumed by many that if you are an African American you are a Democrat and if you are white you are a
Republican. I am not sure why that is, but that is pretty much the gist of it.
In this election season it has become more apparent than ever that most people assume that I am a Republican (This is despite the
Bright blue dot in a really red state sticker on the back of my Accord...go figure.) and that being a Democrat is almost as wicked as being an abortion Doctor. People will say the craziest things to me. More specifically they will say ugly uninformed things about Barrack Obama. I am not a great lover of all things Obama. I started out as a Hillary supporter. But I do think that he is a smart man and that he will be a good President. I don't want to hear about him being a closet Muslim. I don't really care what his religion is. I know, I am crazy like that.
Let me get this straight, I don't mind talking about the issues with anyone. 96% of the people I love disagree with me on most issues. Please please, just don't be ugly. It is okay that my beliefs are different than yours; be polite and be informed. If you are going to spout something as the truth, make sure that it is the truth.
Anyway, I am just amazed by the stigma that is suddenly attached to being a white Democrat in Mississippi. It is confusing. Because believe me, I am just as southern as that guy over there eating grits in his John Deere hat. I say
ya'll. I love sweet tea.